Day 1 at UCL...

Friday 25 September 2015

So I've made it up to UCL in London! I'm in a nice ward, way up in the sky with some lovely ladies which always makes it so much nicer. yet AGAIN I don't have a window bed, the amount of times I have to go into hospital and I never ever ever ever get a bed by the window! you're probably thinking why does that matter? But trust me, when your stuck in a box a little glimpse of sunlight from the window, can easily keep you sane! But anyway, one does not need to moan about it now and I've just got to get on with it! I had a busy day yesterday, literally as my eyes opened, I had doctors, specialists dieticians all here waving around their magic wand! Firstly, I saw the chronic pain specialist consultant who after going through everything, they came back to me and have decided they want me to have the Lignocaine Infusion which is a drip you have for two hours which has anaesthetic in it. It helps some people, and it can last up to one month! So we'll see if that helps! Also they recommended me to try using a TENS machine (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) This works by mild electrical impulses being sent via pads on the skin at the site of the pain. These electrical impulses then work by acting on the sensory nerves to stop the pain signals reaching the brain. I must admit when I first tried it, it felt like tingling buzzing feeling, and so far it hasn't helped me but it's still early days, so we'll also wait and see! I'm on so many pain killers and I'm not keen for them to just keep increasing them so I'm really hoping this infusion helps because that would be amazing to get the pain under control! Also I saw the dietician, who I've met before and she's really nice. Again, we went through everything and she sorted out a plan for my feed for my JEC. Then I saw my specialist consultant too. I cannot believe I'm saying this but she told me because ever since they've increased my feed I have gained 1kg! BOOM. So they're going to see how the next week goes before we decide whether we have to go down the TPN road, because that really is last resort. As everyone knows I really don't want it, so fingers crossed my body can tolerate it. Also I've got to see the upper GI surgeons regarding my JEC and hopefully they can sort it out! So please cross everything possible! My day was made yesterday when my lovely friend Nikki came and saw me (sorry to name and shame you!) It is so nice talking to someone who knows exactly how you feel as we both have EDS, POTS and Hypermobility Syndrome and other things too. Also because I'm in a specialist intestine failure unit I've met some fab ladies in here who have similar conditions to me. You know, it really is reassuring that your not the only one going through this and if you're reading this and you yourself have any similar conditions or anything you want to open up to, I'm more than willing to help you. Right I need to carry on laying here so I'll let you get on, but I shall keep you informed on everything! Picture below is of myself and my big brother Matt visiting me at East Surrey Hospital...keeping my chin up because when things go wrong you have to pick yourself up and thats exactly what I'm trying to do! Have a nice day everyone! x

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