TPN you will not win!

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Reaching the end of this busy week, I thought I would do a little post informing you on whats been happening. On Tuesday I had a consultation with my nutrition consultant. This was organised because the big question was whether I had to go onto TPN (feeding through the veins) due to my intestine failure. For days now, myself and everyone was not supporting this suggestion firstly, because we think that it is the last option and I feel I'm not there yet. Also it would mean much more restriction and distract nurses coming around everyday and lastly, I had TPN last year in hospital and I got a terrible blood infection from it, which has left a foul note about it. Luckily, this consultant was on the same page as me and agreed that TPN was too early...pheewww. He did however say that there might be a time in the future when I may need to have it. So the big question was now, what's going to happen with this terrible JEC now? After having 6 infections with it since March, they have decided I have to have a new JEC put in. So I am now waiting to see the sergeons for the surgery of this...which I hope they get their arses into gear about it soon, as I can't bare another infection on top of everything at the moment! The pain and sickness is aweful at the moment. When mentioning this to the consultant he said that would be due to the intestine not working, Which for me is especially in the colon causing massive amounts of pain. Recently I've been trying to have things orally and I had come a long way after not being aloud to eat for a year! But now... well, its just tourture. I already have a lot of pain and then get even more pain and sickness on top of that when eating, so unfortunately I've gone back a few steps. But I must keep my chin up! This is all such a roller coster and I must just keep going. You know, I've learnt that even at the worst of times, you cannot think about it too much. Being told all this serious stuff can try and push me down but it will not win!!! Again, anyone reading this who needs any help or support you can contact me via my contact details. I'm always a click away! This picture may be a bit random, but I just had to share it with you! A beautiful bunch of flowers arrived at my doorstep from my friend Phoebe. Made me smile, x

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