Laughter is a Medicine.

Sunday, 5 July 2015

I've been a bad blogger after I said I would do a post in Devon however time really does fly by! So I do apologise! Shall I start with the health side? The weekend before we went down, I unfortunately and perfectly timed got another...yes another infection in my JEC. That would make it my sixth? I've been having phone calls from my consultants ringing me in regards to that situation. At the moment it stands that I have to go to UCL to see my specialist consultant along with the nutrition consultant. If I take you back to the week before when Ed and I were sat having a coffee and I had come to realise that I knew I would be having the NJ for at least 3-4 months, because I'm still a long way off so I agreed to having another JEC put in. That afternoon my consultant rang me and I told her my view. However, she then come back with saying that due to my condition it may be time I had TPN because of my intestines. (fed through my veins). HOLD ON ONE MINUTE. I'm not at that stage yet, I'm only 22 and I don't really want that, especially as when I had it last year in hospital it nearly killed me with a blood infection! Also it would mean nurses coming around everyday alongside having a pic line put in (long tube going in your arm into one of the veins going to the top of the main artery before reaching your heart). I just feel this is the last option and I feel I'm not there. It would really restrict me and I really really really really don't want one. Ok....rant over. So in over a week I'll be having this consultation to come to the decision. But now I can tell you about the fun side. Devon! It was lovely, we were only down there for 3 nights, but that was long enough to recharge the batteries and to take anything on again! Bring it on is what I say! One of my favourite moments was watching the sunset go down on the beach, all wrapped up in blankets, priceless! Also meeting some friends for a drink down the river, we took the little boat down with an amazing blue sky and beautiful sunshine beaming down on us, it was so nice and then sat on the pontoon chatting away! Laughter definitely is a medicine. I've definitely realised that even in hard times, you've just got to keep going and you will get through it. I must admit before we went down I was struggling a little because my brain felt like it was close to exploding but now, I'm back to being a solider! With everything going on sometimes you just have to take a step back, take a deep breathe and then return ready to take on the world! I would be so grateful for anyone who knows more, or anything about TPN or who has been in a similar position because my ears are open to all!

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