Every little helps

Sunday, 2 August 2015

I can't believe I'm typing this, and if I'm being honest I'm quite speechless! But... you amazing people have started raising money for me to have treatments, equipment and extra help. People really do have big hearts in this world and I feel so humble. We all go from each day to day and hear about kind generosity, but it really does take a lot for someone to actually take that first step and to start organising a sponsored event! From the beginning I never thought in a million years that friends, family and even kind souls who don't even know me to put together their money to help me. I want to put every single penny to good use and I will try and share every moment with you so you don't miss out! Even at times like this when times are hard, it's amazing to have such great support around me and I can't thank everyone enough! I really don't know what I would do without all you lot, and you really are simply priceless! which is something that no money will ever be able to buy. The first thing we have put the money towards is this Donnerberg Body Massaging machine to help weak tight muscles, blood circulation, improves the nervous and immune system and promotes equality of sleep. This is great and it is going to be put to good use as it can hopefully help my weak muscles, help my circulation for my PoTS, and I hope relax the muscles in my whole body. I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who have put their money together to help me with things like this! You have no idea how grateful I am, and as you can see below in the picture, you have put a big cheesy smile on my face for a few seconds! x
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